Insights Tool

Information on the Insights tool in Liquid and Grit's Impact Portal

This online resource holds tons of information to help you and your team design more impactful features, events, and content. It allows you easily to find insights on any mechanic (e.g. collection features), download new user economy spreadsheets, or read player persona reports by market.

Insights Tool

The Insights tool contains all of our product, player, and economy insights.

It gives you access to all of the information we have gathered in the past five years. In the Insights tool, you can download previous reports, player persona research, and economies spreadsheets. You can also filter on a specific mechanic, like collection features or competitive events, and find all of the information we have written about for that topic.

Insights Resources

Previously Released Reports

You can easily find all the previously released reports in the Insights Tool. You will have access to all the previously released reports in the markets you subscribe (e.g. Casual).

All Impact Drivers

Regardless of the markets you subscribe, you will have access to all the Impact Drivers included in any market report.

This section includes revenue analysis, teardowns of examples from leading apps, and actionable insights on how to successfully design and release new mechanics.

Player Persona Reports

We have conducted—in partnership with a team of professors—player persona reports in Casual, Core, and Casino. All of the process, data, and information can be accessed in the Wiki.

Economy Spreadsheets

There are economy spreadsheets, like the New User Economies, that you can download in the Wiki.

Mechanic Summaries

A source of truth of a growing list of mechanics, like collections or mini-games, that reference previously written Impact Drivers. Offers an extensive reference list and details of the design components that make up the given mechanic.

Insights Tool Use Cases

Roadmap and spec research

If you are researching a particular mechanic, either to add to your roadmap or to design into your game, the Insights tool is a great place to find valuable information on how that mechanics has been implemented successfully in all the major markets.

Economy Design

If you are going to build a new app or update an existing app's economy, you can download economy spreadsheets in the Wiki to compare your game's economy to the most successful games in a particular market.

Understanding players

You can download player persona reports in Casual, Core, and Casino to better understand the players and their motivations for playing specific games.

Last updated

Copyright @ Liquid and Grit 2023